Homemade Ketchup using Fresh Tomatoes


We are all slaves of our taste buds, guilty as charged !

And a good ketchup hits the perfect spot..

As usual, this recipe has a history behind it! 😊

This age old heirloom recipe has stood the test of time and reminds me of my Paternal Grandmother a lot.

My grandma was a feisty lady, she headed the Scouts and Guides team during British Era. Imagine her wearing a 9 yard saree and playing lawn tennis with other English ladies. High-teas and brunches were a regular affair. Manners, lace and dainty foods were the new norms of the day!

During one such high-tea she met the head chef at the Lord’s house, They got along talking and he shared this recipe of a basic ketchup. ‘Ketchup has a special place in this household’, he said. ‘If you can nail a ketchup you have special respect in this Ladies group’. Intrigued enough my grandma tried the recipe as soon as possible. This is the basic ketchup recipe that she shared with me.

Yes, the lockdown has converted me into a masterchef as well .. or that’s what I like to believe πŸ˜‰ Delusional Eh ! πŸ˜‚

Tomato ketchup is a sauce used as a condiment.

This gluten free, vegan, sweet and tangy sauce is made from raw tomatoes.

I am sharing the basic recipe and you can customize it to give it a twist.



1 kg Ripe Tomatoes

3 cloves of garlic

8 tablespoon Organic Cane sugar

1 tablespoon Chilli powder

Salt to taste

1 tablespoon Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Wash the tomatoes well and chop them up roughly .

Cook the tomatoes and garlic cloves in an open pan till they are soft and mushy.

The tomatoes took about 15 minutes to cook and turn soft ( Time may vary )

NOTE : Don’t add water while cooking.



Blend the mushy tomatoes and strain it.


Now add the cane sugarΒ  salt and chilli powder and reheat the sauce till it thickens. ( Around 15 mins )


This deep red pulpy ketchup is done when the sauce coats a tilted spoon and remains like that.

Switch the gas off and add the vinegar ( Vinegar increases the shelf life )


Cool it completely before you store it in a sterilized glass jar.

Can be stored in the fridge for about 3 months

The variations that I normally use

  1. For Heinz Kind of ketchup add chopped onion ( or onion powder ) while cooking the tomatoes and garlic .
  2. Chilli garlic sauce : Soak a bunch of red chilly , add this while cooking the tomatoes
  3. for the added punch use green chilli while cooking the tomatoes instead of red chilly powder.
  4. Crushed black mustard seeds and mixed italian herbs is a great combo too.

Use the hashtag #meals2heal and post a picture, if you decide to give this recipe a try !


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