Have you ever thought of being with a group of like-minded people who are on a spiritual journey and learning from one another?
Then, Soul Tribe is meant for people like you!
Soul Tribe is an online highly facilitated curated community that allows you to exchange ideas and experiences and designed to help you in all matters spiritual. You can discuss wide-ranging topics from Reiki to Crystal Healing to EFT and get answers from the community as well as from experienced healers of Beyond Illusion.
A membership to Soul tribe entails the following benefits
This helps you to learn from others’ experiences and share insights and get the most common questions answered.
You get to give back to society by joining us for our socially beneficial activities, group healings, group meditations, 24 hour Reiki Healing etc.
If you want to start a spiritual business or need spiritual mentoring, we can guide you step by step to get you going and ensure you are successful.