Meet Dr Disha
Dr. Disha Ghosal has not only been practicing, healing and teaching Reiki, but is also a successful Tarot Card Reader, Ho’oponopono Master; Expert on Advanced Meditation Technique Yoganidra, Chakra Activation, Crystal Healing, Wellness Restoration and Light Worker.
Dr. Disha came to understand through her experience that, to achieve excellence one must work with the ‘not so obvious’. She established ‘Beyond illusion” in the year 2013 which aims to improve and uplift the lives of all human beings through a holistic approach towards life.
- Two decades of relentless work in the field of Reiki and holistic well being
- Doctor In Alternative Therapy from IBAM, India
- Honorary Healing Gold Medal 2016 from Reiki Council of India
- State Coordinator for Telangana Region of Reiki Council of India for the year 2016-17
- Done Mastership 4 times and has earned the title of Reiki Grandmaster
- Authoring a book on Reiki Healing Science
- Workshops and Training conducted in USA, Australia, Japan & the APAC Region (Bangkok, Bali, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong).
- Personalized one on one classes in India and Abroad.
- Online Classes conducted across different time zones
- Founder and CEO of Beyond Illusion
The art of healing (Eastern Medicine) works with the body, mind and the spirit, not just the symptoms unlike the Western Medicine otherwise known as Allopathy. Her goal is to create awareness, educate and train individuals in helping to live a purposeful, happy, healthy and successful life by way of Reiki. Her key business is about spreading smiles and guiding people to achieve their dreams in whichever small way she can either through Counseling / Motivating/ Esoteric Healing or Coaching by Inspiring people to take ownership of their lives.